Meet Our Dedicated Faculty and Staff

A Community Devoted to Pointing Others to Christ.

Mrs. Kori Shellard

Office Manager & Registrar

Mrs. Shellard was born in Roseburg, Oregon, and raised Douglas County.  After spending a few years in the US Army, she lived in various locations and then returned to Roseburg in 2005.  That same year she met her late husband and also started attending classes at Umpqua Community College.  In 2007 she had her first child and also started working for Douglas County, where she worked until 2013.  Mrs. Shellard initially had her son in public school, but through her search for an education that put God at the center of all learning, God led her family to Geneva Academy in 2013.  After a year of praying that suitable employment would become available at Geneva, Mrs. Shellard was hired as office manager during the summer of 2014.  Both of her children now attend Geneva Academy.  Mrs. Shellard is a passionate advocate of classical Christian education and her love for Geneva is evident through the many volunteer positions she occupies at the school.  Mrs. Shellard likes to point out that she isn’t part of the school because she works there, but rather, she is part of Geneva because she loves the school.

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