Joyful Play, Purposeful Growth
Encouraging creativity, collaboration, and character through structured play and hands-on activities.

K4 Curriculum
Geneva Pre-Kindergarten (K4) is a garden of Godly delight. It is a loving and supportive environment full of fun and sharing in the joy of learning. It is saturated with God’s Holy Word, and students sing and do art in addition to their academic work and outside activity. We worship God together as a campus once a week, where we sing and learn more about His Holy Word. In class we study God’s Word as well. The many Bible Stories include: God Made Me, God Made Everything, The Fall of Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, God’s Promises, The Tower of Babel, God Calls Abraham and Sarah, Isaac is Born, Joseph and the Colorful Coat, An Angel Visits Mary, The Nativity, The Bright Star and Three Visitors, Baby Moses, Moses and the Burning Bush, The Plagues of Egypt, The Red Sea, The Ten Commandments, Joshua and the Battle of Jericho, Gideon, Samson, Hannah and Samuel, King Saul, David and Goliath, King David, Palm Sunday, Esther, Solomon, Job, Daniel in the Lions Den, Jonah and the Whale, Jesus Feeds the 5000, Zacchaeus, The Good Samaritan, and of course Jesus Heals the Blind Man. These beautiful and well-loved Bible stories set the foundation for later Bible study in the Upper School.
Every month, in addition to new Bible Stories, we explore different Colors, Themes, Letters, Numbers and Shapes. As is consistent with our emphasis on the beauty of God and His creation, we also focus on art and music. Colors covered include: Primary colors such as Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, as well as mixing of colors and Brown, Orange, Yellow, Purple, “Fall Colors” , Silver, Gold, Metallic, Glitter, Black, Blue, White, Grey, Pink, and “Pastels” such as Lavender and Turquoise. Our Art teacher works with them to make art, and in music class, we help them sing as unto the Lord.
Themes covered in class include: All About Me, Wonderful Fall, My Heathy Body, Celebrating Christmas, Wonderous Winter, Community Helpers, Colors of the rainbow, Spring Time, Beautiful Bugs and Away We Go! For letter sounds, phonics direct instruction is emphasized and all the letters are reviewed in addition to extensive oral reading that exposes the children to good literature (NOT politically correct “woke” literature). Number sense is also developed by review and strengthened by learning to count from 1-30. Students at the end of the year will be skip counting by 5’s and 10’s. Shapes covered include: Square, Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, Oval, Diamond, Crescent, Star, Octagon, Hexagon, Trapezoid, Cube, Sphere, Heart, Pentagon, as well as directional concepts, shape patterns and graphing. We aim at a balanced growth that focuses on both spiritual and academic excellence, focusing on both alphabetic and numeric mastery – or what we like to call the trivium and quadrivium – starting early and continuing all the way through Upper School.