Grammar | 1st-6th
Discover the ancient and future form of education that challenges us to glorify God with our minds and restore a Christian culture to our churches and homes.

First Grade
Chapel on Wednesdays with an emphasis on Christ-like character development and challenged to apply Gods Word to life
Daily Bible instruction with a challenge to apply God’s truth to all of life
Discussion of Genesis chapters 1-48, the Gospel of Mark chapters 1-6, Esther and 1 Samuel chapters 8-31
Chapel on Wednesdays with an emphasis on Christ-like character development and challenged to apply Gods Word to life
CREDO: Weekly memorization of a verse and basic doctrinal truth done in classical question/answer format
Mastery of both upper-case and lower-case cursive
Veritas Press Phonics Museum
Veritas Press “31 readers”
Mastery of the 100 most used words in beginning readers
Reading books selected from the Logos School reading list
Teacher created materials specific to phonics instruction, reworking spelling words through reading for context clues and alphabetizing, and vocabulary enrichment in connection with history and science
Two reading contest – 1st contest goal: 400 pages, 2nd contest goal – 1500 pages
Modern Curriculum Press level 1 Phonics
Spell to Write and Read phonics curriculum
Short vowel and long vowel patterns and word families
Learn the first SWR spelling rules
Wise Guide to Spelling enrichment sheets
Words based on the 100 most used words in beginning readers
Words based on phonics instruction/reading content
History and science vocabulary integrated
Correct spelling/accurate copying required on all assignments
Sieker Grammar Chants
Recognize and label nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and proper nouns
Learn noun, verb, adjective and adverb chants
Wise Guide enrichment worksheets
Write well-constructed complete sentences with correct capitalization and end marks
Write a simple, 2-point, well-constructed paragraph
Saxon Level Two math
Times tables 2’s – 9’s through songs
Introductory division concepts
Money chants, Military Math Chant
Singapore style Primary Mathematics practice problems
Early American History: Native Americans, First Thanksgiving, Pilgrims, American Symbols
History Pockets by Evan Moor
Many supplemental history/storybooks to enrich/Troll Press
Many teacher-created comprehension exercises and activities
Beginning map skills – Globe Chant
Memorize the names and locations of the 13 original colonies
Memorize the names and locations of the major oceans, and seven continents
Study the culture, climate and animals of the seven different continents
Learn symbols on a map: compass rose, and map legend
Learn the compass rose directions
Many teacher created materials from personal book and library sources
Zoology, Biology – Logos School science materials
God’s Creation: Solar System, Planets, Plants/Trees, Mammals, Birds, Insects, Amphibians, Reptiles
Many chants and sound-offs to facilitate learning facts
Some integrated art work of things being studied
Familiarity with the basic scientific method
Essential elements of art including line, shape, value, color and texture
Emphasis on drawing and on the process of noticing, reflecting, and duplicating
Special projects touch on geometry, design, using rulers, drawing from nature, and printing
Introductory Choral Music using the Kodaly Method
Folk songs, hymns, patriotic songs, and Christian holiday works are introduced and practiced
Twice a week with exercises, stretching, and games.
Emphasis on teamwork, good sportsmanship, and general fitness.
Field trips include: Cascades raptor center
Visitors to class include Bugs R Us (either reptiles or Insects)

Second Grade
CREDO: Weekly memorization of a verse and basic doctrinal truth done in classical question/answer format every student can then apply to life
Daily Bible instruction with a challenge to apply God’s truth to all of life
Taking a “jog” through the Old Testament books: Genesis, Exodus, II Kings, Daniel, Jonah, and Esther; integrating the Bible with ancient history; verse by verse study of the Gospel of Luke
Chapel on Wednesdays with emphasis on Christ-like character development and challenge to apply God’s word to one’s life
CREDO: Weekly memorization of a verse and basic doctrinal truth done in classical question/answer format
Reviewing all upper and lower case cursive letters with practice aim toward mastery
Connecting letters properly
Daily reading comprehension emphasized through reworking of spelling and vocabulary from class readings
Specific reading comprehension assignments based on selected readings
Reading and discussing selected books from the Logos School reading list including Little House in the Big Woods and Little House on the Prairie
Two reading contests; 1st contest goal – 1500 pages, 2nd contest goal – 3500 pages
Phonics and Spelling
Spell to Write and Read by Wanda Sensari
Understanding and familiarity with all 70 basic phonograms
Using multi-senses and mnemonic devices to retain phonograms
Correct spelling/accurate copying required on all assignments
Teacher-developed Sieker Grammar integrating Shurley Level 2, applied to history, science, Bible and literature readings.
Sieker Grammar Chants
Recognize and label nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions
Understand and identify direct objects, predicate nouns, and predicate adjectives in a simple sentence pattern
Write well-constructed complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation
Use of the comma in dates, addresses lists, nouns of apposition, nouns of direct address
Write a well-constructed short paragraph
Introduction to imitation writing and myths
Practice using a dictionary and thesaurus
Classical Math II – Logos School – B. J. Jordan
Many teacher-created materials
Master times tables, 2-9, using songs
Introduction to Ancient History: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome from Story of the World, by Susan Wise-Bauer
History Pockets by Evan Moor: Egypt, Greece, Rome
Many supplemental history/storybooks to enrich taken from classical Christian reading lists
Sieker developed ancient history Sound-Off, Egypt Ten Plagues Song, and other chants and sound offs to facilitate learning
Many chants and sound-offs to facilitate learning facts
Some integrated artwork of what is being studied
Beginning map skills (both ancient biblical and current)
Introduction to the 50 states, capitals, postal abbreviations, and date the state was excepted into the Union
Use of songs and chants such as Fifty Nifty and States Facts song to reinforce American heritage
Use of geography focused handwriting workbook, His Story Handwriting, by Lori and Talon Smith
Many teacher-created materials from personal book and library sources
Marine biology: Logos School science materials-North American fish
Anatomy: Digestive, Respiratory and Circulatory, Musculoskeletal, and Nervous system
Earth Science – weather, rocks, volcanoes, and caves
Many sound-offs to facilitate learning facts
Some integrated art work of things being studied
Essential elements of art including line, shape, value, color, and texture
Emphasis on drawing and on the process of noticing, reflecting, and duplicating
Special projects touch on geometry, design, using rulers, drawing from nature and printing
Introductory Choral Music using the Kodaly Method
Folk songs, hymns, patriotic songs, and Christian holiday works
Twice a week with exercises, stretching, and games
Emphasis on teamwork, good sportsmanship, and general fitness

Third Grade
Book reports on reading done out of class and book report projects based on age-appropriate abilities based on grade level
Daily Bible instruction with a challenge to apply God’s truth to all of life
Studying the Gospel of John and the book of Joshua
Chapel on Wednesdays with Christ-like character emphasis in instruction and challenge to apply to life
CREDO: Weekly memorization of a verse and basic doctrinal truth done in classical question/answer format
Development of the use of cursive in all areas of writing
Continue to develop neat printing through practice
Grade appropriate books are chosen from the Veritas School list for each child based on that child’s reading level and ability to comprehend
Books are read and discussed daily and many are coordinated with history
Comprehension and interpretation exercises accompany each book
Book reports on reading done out of class and book report projects based on age-appropriate abilities (3 projects done this year based on grade level)
Constant work on comprehension, gathering information, reading for meaning or detail, and inference
In-class reading list
Charlotte’s Web and booklet
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and booklet
Mr. Popper’s Penguin
Squanto: Friend of the Pilgrims (book report)
The Matchlock Gun
Owls in the Family (book report)
Homer Price (book report)
Seaman’s Adventures with Lewis and Clark
Sarah Plain and Tall (book report)
The Courage of Sarah Noble
Spell to Read and Write by Wanda Sensari; a phonetics based program that emphasizes phonemic awareness.
Spell to Read and Write by Wanda Sensari; a phonetics based program which emphasizes phonics-based spelling through dictation rather than copying
Integration of history, science, language, math vocabulary
Correct spelling and accurate copying required on all assignments
Mastery of Sieker Grammar Chants on all nine parts of speech
Easy Grammar Level 3
Correctly identify and label every word in certain sentence patterns according to its part of speech and usage in the sentence
Accurate formula writing where students create sentences based on the grammatical patterns given
Imitation writing based on the Narrative Stage of the Classical Composition published by Memoria Press.
Creative writing integrated with science and history
Use of dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia and World Books
Questions on assignments answered in classical style
Accurate spelling, well-written sentences, and paragraphs required on all assignments
Singapore math in Primary Mathematics Level 3
Level Up mental math worksheets from mastery of math facts
At the end of this class, successful students will be able to do the following:
- count up to 10,000 and recognize number patterns
- add and subtract ones, tens, hundreds and thousands
- multiply and divide by hundreds, tens and ones
- demonstrate mastery of multiplication and division for 6,7,8 and 9 fact families
- count with money, and tell time with different units
- demonstrate familiarity with angles, and calculate area and perimeter
- measure length, weight, and capacity
- use to bar graphs to solve word problems
Teacher created resources on The Reformation
Early Explorers, Colonial Experience and American Revolution Teacher developed interactive notebook
Early Explorers, Colonial Experience and American Revolution History Pockets by Evan Moor
Many supplemental history/storybooks to enrich, from Troll Press
Many teacher-created comprehension exercises and activities
Many chants and sound-offs to facilitate learning facts
Map skills with a focus on the United States and North America
States Cards and Presidential Packet
Many teachers created materials from personal book and library sources
Logos School Science materials on Study of God’s Creation, with teacher-created workbooks and interactive assignments on Botany, and Entomology
Caryn Pattison’s Study of God’s World through Astronomy
Taxonomy and Classification by Milliken Press
Many chants and sound-offs to facilitate learning facts
Some integrated artwork of things being studied
Field trip to Umpqua Community College
Teacher created Latin curriculum building vocabulary and understanding of classical culture
Emphasis on 2-dimensional design; integrating essential elements of art;Drawing from life and other photographs or paintings, incorporating science and history curriculum; developing a sense of wonder and interest in art’s function in the Christian life.
Introductory Choral Music using the Kodaly Method
Folk songs, hymns, patriotic songs and Christian holiday works are introduced and practiced
Twice a week with exercises, stretching, and games.
Emphasis on teamwork, good sportsmanship, and general fitness

Fourth Grade
Book reports on reading done out of class and book report projects based on age-appropriate abilities (4 – projects done this year, based on grade level)
Daily Bible instruction with a challenge to apply God’s truth to all of life
Studying Ruth, I Samuel, II Samuel this school year
Chapel on Wednesdays with Christ-like character emphasis in instruction and challenge to apply to life.
CREDO: Weekly memorization of a verse and basic doctrinal truth done in basic question/answer format – this school year taken from the Westminster Confession of Faith
Students maintain the ability to use either print or cursive depending on the requirements of the assignment (i.e. maps, some science and some math require printing, other written work is done mostly in cursive)
Free reading books are chosen from the Logos School list
In-class readings are given to develop reading skills, comprehension, inferences and vocabulary acquisition
Book reports on reading done out of class and book report projects based on age-appropriate abilities (4 – projects done this year, based on grade level)
Classroom reading exercises done to develop comprehension, ability to gather information and draw inferences, and reading for meaning or details
In-class reading list:
The Sign of the Beaver (teacher-led book report in class)
Star of Light
The Perilous Road
Bound for Oregon
Prince Caspian
Abraham Lincoln From Pioneer to President by EB Phillips
Spelling lists P,Q,R &S from Spelling to Write and Read, from Wanda Sanseri
Words are taken from history, science, language, and math vocabulary
Words must be used in a sentence appropriately to demonstrate understanding
Reworking of spelling words through context clues and alphabetizing as taught in the supplemental worksheets from SWR
Correct spelling and accurate copying required on all assignments turned in to the teacher
Mastery of Sieker Grammar Chants on all nine parts of speech.
Correctly identify and label words according to its part of speech and usage in the sentence
Easy Grammar level 4, by Wanda Phillips
Imitation of classical writing forms from Classical Composition focusing on Chreia and Proverb, taken from readings when possible
Creative writing integrated with history and literature and bible
Use of dictionary and thesaurus and other writing aids
Questions on assignments answered in classical sentences
Accurate spelling, well-written sentences, and paragraphs required on all assignments
Singapore math in Primary Mathematics Level 4
Level Up mental math worksheets from mastery of math facts
At the end of this class, successful students will be able to do the following:
- count to 100,000 in whole numbers
- round off whole numbers
- recognize factors and multiples
- multiply by a one and two-digit numbers
- division by one digit and 10
- add and subtract fractions, mixed numbers, and improper fractions
- use tables and graphs to present information
- measure angles
- identify perpendicular and parallel lines
- calculate area and perimeter of rectangle, square and composite figures
- identify decimal places in tenths, hundredths and thousands
- round off decimals to the hundredths place
- do all four operations with decimals
- identify symmetrical and solid figures
- measure volume in cube units
History covers from the Revolution through the expansion of the nation, through the Civil War and Reconstruction to the Gilded Age
Teacher developed curriculum draws from Story of the World vol 3 & 4 by Susan Wise Bauer and other resources
Many supplemental history/storybooks to enrich
Many teacher-created comprehension exercises and activities
Many chants and sound-offs to facilitate learning facts
Map skills with a focus on the United States and North America
Teacher developed curriculum selected from Classical Elemental Science for Grammar textbooks on Earth Science and Physics
Cover units on biomes, weather, erosion, motion, sense, and electricity
Many teachers created materials from personal book and library sources
Many chants and sound-offs to facilitate learning facts
Some integrated artwork of things being studied
4th Grade Latin reviews and reinforces the basic grammar terms, concepts, and operations learned in 3rd grade. The class progresses in the grammar with the study of noun cases, 3rd Declension nouns, 3rd and 4th Conjugation verbs, and the imperfect verb tense. The teacher-prepared materials include:
A weekly set of 16 flashcards—ten vocabulary words and six grammar questions–to be studied by the student at home.
Chants recited at the start of each class.
A weekly lesson on a new grammar concept.
A weekly worksheet practicing the grammar concept, vocabulary, and translation.
A weekly reading on ancient Roman history.
The successful student will be able to properly use:
The names and uses of the five main noun cases
The gender and all case endings for 1st Declension, 2nd Declension, 2nd Declension Neuter and 3rd Declension Nouns.
How to conjugate regular 1st Conjugation, 2nd Conjugation, 3rd Conjugation, and 4th Conjugation verbs in the present, future and imperfect tenses
How to conjugate the irregular verbs esse (to be) and posse (to be able) in the present, future, and imperfect tenses
How to match 1st and 2nd Declension adjectives to a noun in number and gender
How to translate more complex sentences from Latin to English
Emphasis on seeing and drawing what is seen, studying essential elements of design; emphasis on subjects from history and Biblical stories.
Introductory Choral Music using the Kodaly Method
Folk songs, hymns, patriotic songs, and Christian holiday works are introduced and practiced
Twice a week with exercises, stretching, and games.
Emphasis on teamwork, good sportsmanship, and general fitness

Fifth Grade
Exploring the wonder of God’s creation through Apologia’s Anatomy and Physiology, and Oregon plant and wildlife through teacher curated resources
Daily Bible instruction with a challenge to apply God’s truth to all of life
Studying I & II Kings, and selections from Daniel, Ezra, Haggai, Zechariah, Esther, Nehemiah and Malachi, and then study Matthew’s gospel to see how these types and shadows were fulfilled in the Kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ
Chapel on Wednesdays with emphasis on the Ten Commandments and applying them to one’s life
CREDO: Weekly memorization of a verse and basic doctrinal truth done in classical question/answer format
Students develop the facility to use either printing or cursive depending on requirements of the assignment (i.e. maps, some science, some math requires printing, other written work is done mostly in cursive)
Grade appropriate books are chosen from the Logos School & Veritas Academy list
Comprehension and interpretation exercises accompany each book
Special reading selections are given to develop reading skills, comprehension and vocabulary acquisition
Book reports on reading done out of class and book report projects based on age appropriate abilities (5 independent book reports done this year)
Constant work done on comprehension, gathering information, reading for meaning or detail, and inference
In-Class Reading
The Bronze Bow
Rolf and the Viking Bow
Adam of the Road
Ink on his Fingers
Huguenot Garden
Phantom Tollbooth
Spell to Write and Read and Wise Guide to Spelling by Wanda Sanseri
Mastery of 70 phonograms and 28 spelling rules
Integration of history, science, language, and math vocabulary
Correct spelling and accurate copying required on all assignments
Easy Grammar level 5 by Wanda Phillips
Mastery of Sieker Grammar chants on all nine parts of speech
Correctly identify and label every word in certain sentence patterns according to it’s part of speech and usage in the sentence
Accurate formula writing where students create sentences based on the grammatical patterns given
Imitation writing based on lessons in Classical Composition Confirmation and Refutation, where students learn how to structure their thoughts for and against an idea, chain of events, method or narrative using the “heads of purpose” that are important in the later progymnasmata exercises
Creative writing integrated with science and history
Use of dictionary and thesaurus
Questions on assignments answered in classical style
Accurate spelling, well-written sentences and paragraphs required on all assignments
Singapore Primary Mathematics Level 5, with classroom activities in timed exercises and mental math
Level Up mental math worksheets from mastery of math facts
At the end of this class, successful students will be able to do the following:
- recognize place values up to millions
- approximate and estimate answers with whole numbers and decimals
- multiple and divide by tens, hundreds or thousands
- know the order of operations
- solve world problems
- multiply and divide by a two digit number
- add and subtract like and unlike fractions, mixed numbers and whole numbers
- find equivalent rations and compare three quantities
- measure and find unknown angles
- convert measurements from different units
- understand fractions and percent of a quantity
- calculate he average of a series of numbers
- determine the rate
- use line graphs to represent information
- calculate the sum of the angles of a triangle
- draw triangles, and identify isosceles and equilateral triangles
- recognize the beauty of M.C. Escher style tessellations
- find the volume of cuboid solids
Middle Ages history from the Fall of Rome to the Renaissance and Reformation, guided by The Story of the World: Middle Ages
Comprehensive Map Project
Teacher developed History Scrapbook and interactive Workbook
Worksheets and map work to further understanding
Projects based on class topics and readings
Supplemental texts for enrichment
Exploring the wonder of God’s creation through Apologia’s Anatomy and Physiology, and Oregon plant and wildlife through teacher curated resources
Most students will be working through Grammar Latin Level 3; Teacher created resources
Continuation of the application of the essential elements of art to individual designs and mediums
Emphasis on drawing and replicating more complicated subjects from historical records and photographs
Special projects integrate with history and include Celtic knots, linoleum cutting, and printing
Introductory Choral Music with the Kodaly method
Folk songs, hymns, patriotic songs, and Christian holiday works are introduced and practiced
Twice a week with exercises, stretching, and games.
Emphasis on teamwork, good sportsmanship, and general fitness

Sixth Grade
Free reading books are chosen from the Logos School list for each child based on that child’s reading level and ability to comprehend
Daily Bible instruction with a challenge to apply God’s truth to all of life
Studying Deuteronomy, Colossians, James, Ezra, Nehemiah and Psalms 119
Chapel on Wednesdays with Christ-like character emphasis and challenge to apply to life
CREDO: Weekly memorization of a verse and basic doctrinal truth (with focus given to the Lord’s Prayer) done in classical question/answer format
Students develop the facility to use either printing or cursive depending on requirements of the assignment (i.e. maps, some science, some math require printing, other written work is done mostly in cursive)
Free reading books are chosen from the Logos School list for each child based on that child’s reading level and ability to comprehend
Comprehension and interpretation exercises accompany each book
Daily oral reading from the Bible and Science are given feedback by the teacher to develop reading skills, comprehension and vocabulary acquisition
Book reports on reading done out of class and book report projects based on age-appropriate abilities
Constant work is done on comprehension, gathering information, reading for meaning or detail, and inference
In-class Reading
Johnny Tremain
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
A Cup of Cold Water
Call of the Wild
A Father’s Promise
Sergeant York
Hiding Place
Selected Tales from Shakespeare
Spell to Write and Read, Back Home Industries, by Wanda Sanseri
Wise Guide to Spelling, Back Home Industries, by Wanda Sanseri, approximately list T – Z
Easy Grammar Level Six, by Wanda Phillips
Writing three and five-paragraph essays with three-point thesis statements on classroom worksheets
Each student writes at least one research paper following research paper guidelines from Shurley Grammar
Classical well-formed sentences expected on all worksheets where appropriate
Imitation writing based on lessons in Classical Composition Commonplace and Common topic
Singapore approach in Primary Mathematics Level 6
Level Up exercises in mental mathematics and fact family mastery
At the end of this class, successful students will be able to do the following:
- draw solid figures and nets
- write algebraic expressions
- calculate and change ratios, fractions and proportions
- understand part of a whole as a proportion, one quantity as a percentage of another
- solve percentage problems by a unitary method
- calculate speed and average speed
- divide fractions
- perform the proper order of operations on fractions
- solve word problems involving fractions, whole numbers and decimals, ratios percentages and rates of speed
- calculate circle radius and diameter, circumference and area
- identify the parts of a pie chart
- solve volume problems
- find unknown angles of triangles and quadrilaterals
Introduction to American history from the Gilded Age to the Present using Heritage Studies 5, Bob Jones University Press
Exploring American History, Christian Liberty Press
The Men Who Built American History, DVD Series, History Channel
Appropriate videos and books for WWI and WWII
Chemistry, electricity, magnetism, motion, and astronomy from Science 6, Bob Jones University Press
Teacher selected books and videos for each unit
Most students will be working through Grammar Latin Level 4; Teacher created resources
Drawing with Children by Mona Brookes
Discovering Great Artists by Mary Ann Kohl and Kim Solga
Introductory Choral Music with the Kodaly method
Folk songs, hymns, patriotic songs, and Christian holiday works are introduced and practiced
Twice a week with exercises, stretching, and games.
Emphasis on general fitness
Field Trips
Field trips and classroom visitors or special events: 2 visits to the UCC Observatory, Visit from Mr. Sy Byle to share his early years in Holland during WWII, Visit from Mr. Steve Hammell to share his slides from the Vietnam War, Watch Sergeant York, Trip to the Evergreen Air and Space Museum in McMinnville, Trip to the VA to sing patriotic and military songs, Trip to River Forks Park to shoot off rockets, watch: Tora, Tora, Tora, Tuskegee Airmen, Anne Frank.
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

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